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Secondary Schools

Resource Programs

Secondary Schools Resource Programs Programs at each secondary school have special education resource teachers to provide diagnostic consultation and assessment. Teachers supplement the general education curriculum with research-based instructional practices. Instruction is delivered on a continuum and can include the following as recommended by the IEP: general education classroom, small group instruction in the resource room, and co-taught classes. Applicable related services are integrated into the program.

Intensive Behavioral Support (STRIVE) 

The STRIVE (Success Through Responsibility, Initiative, Vision and Education) program is for middle and high school students with significant behavioral and emotional disabilities. Behavioral plans are developed and implemented for each student. Daily group and/or individual counseling is provided. Access to general education is planned as appropriate. The programs are housed at King Philip Middle School, Sedgwick Middle School and for students in grades 9-12, on the campus of the American School for the Deaf in the Cogswell Building at 139 North Main Street, West Hartford.

Intensive Academic Support

Secondary Schools Intensive Academic Support is provided for students with significant developmental disabilities such as autism, cognitive delays, bio neurological impairments, significant speech and language disabilities and/or multiple disabilities. The teachers and staff in the intensive programs are selected for their specialized experience and training. Related Services are integrated into the program. Instruction is delivered in both the general education classroom with support and a program classroom.

School Engagement Program

West Hartford Public School’s acknowledges the challenges with school avoidance and attendance and seeks to collaborate with students, parents, educators and providers to support students’ attendance and integration back into an academic environment. The School Engagement Program: This highly individualized program is located off site and provides a small, safe educational environment where students can learn at a comfortable pace with therapeutic support. The program works with each student, family, and team to identify barriers to school engagement and supports them in identifying and minimizing obstacles to reaching their full academic and social emotional potential.

The School Engagement Program Goals:

  • Build a positive rapport with students and families.

  • Identify students’ strengths and the areas that need support.

  • Identify barriers to consistent school attendance and credit recovery.

  • Create a solid parent/educator support system to maximize school attendance.

  • Create goals and supporting slow and steady steps to achievement.  

  • Work with students to improve confidence and self esteem, increase awareness and develop strategies to improve coping, social and self- regulation skills.  

  • Provide educational and clinical recommendations to support positive school attendance and achievement.

Components of the School Engagement Program may Include:

  • Direct, Individualized Instruction

  • Small Group Instruction

  • Individual Counseling  

  • Social Groups

  • Life Skills and Vocational Activities  

  • Transition Planning  

The School Engagement Team is comprised of:

  • Student

  • Family

  • Special Education Teacher

  • Program Clinician

  • School Counselor

  • Home School Team

  • Outside Service Providers involved in the student’s plan for success.

Special Education Teacher: Regina Cravero

School Clinician: Anna Deraco, School Certified LMFT

WHPS Support Staff