Open Choice
In 1966, Project Concern (now called the Hartford Region Open Choice Program) was developed and managed by the Hartford Board of Education. In 1997 it became part of the Open Choice program funded by the state of Connecticut. The statewide program was created as part of the Sheff v. O'Neill Agreement. Participation in the Open Choice program is voluntary. Video: From Project Concern to Open Choice
The goals of the Hartford Region Open Choice Program are to:
- improve academic achievement; to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation
- provide all children with a choice of high quality educational programs.
West Hartford Public Schools is proud to be one of the original participants in the Project Concern/Hartford Region Open Choice Program, welcoming Hartford students since 1966.
Reports and Presentations
Family Resources
- Hartford Community Resources
- Hartford Family Resource Directory
- Back to School Back Pack Program
Students enrolled in the West Hartford Open Choice program may apply for assistance with school supplies and a new backpack through West Hartford Social Services. Information is distributed each spring and summer through the schools or families may apply for this program at:
Town Hall
50 South Main Street
Social Services Office, Room 306
How to Enroll in the Open Choice Program
Families must complete and submit an application which is available through the Regional School Choice Office (RSCO). The Open Choice program is available to children entering grades K-12 who are currently enrolled in public schools. However, West Hartford Public Schools may not have seats available in all grades at all times. Open Choice applicants are placed into schools through the RSCO lottery. Eligible students with a sibling enrolled in the program are given preference in the lottery for the town in which their sibling attends school. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by CREC's Open Choice office. A welcome letter from the assigned West Hartford school will follow.
Once accepted into the Open Choice program, your child can remain in the program until s/he graduates from high school. However, if you are a Hartford resident and you move out of Hartford, your child will no longer be eligible to participate in the program. For more information, visit
Already accepted into the Open Choice Program?
More information about the West Hartford Public Schools' registration requirements and enrollment process.
More information about the Open Choice structure and services to know about Open Choice structure and services for students for students, families and districts.
Upcoming CREC Events for Open Choice Students and Families
Upcoming event details for the Family Engagement Series
WHPS Open Choice Alumni
Read the stories and contributions of WHPS Open Choice Alumni.