Responsible Use Guidelines
I am responsible for my computer and Google Apps for Education account. I will not share my password. I will log off of my account when I am finished. If I see another person’s work on a computer that I need to use, I will get help from an adult before I use it. I will use good judgement when choosing internet resources and I will not look for web pages with words, images, videos, or sounds that are not school-appropriate.
I am responsible for being honest about who I am online. I will not pretend to be anyone else. I will not send comments, create an account, post words, pictures, videos, or sounds using someone else’s name. I will not use another person’s login name or password.
I am a responsible member of my school when using technology. I am responsible for my language and content. The content that I use will be school-appropriate. I will use technology, including comment tools and chat features, for schoolwork only and not for personal reasons. I will immediately tell a teacher if anything inappropriate appears on my screen.
I am responsible for how I treat other people. I will not write mean hurtful, or embarrassing comments, pictures, or videos. I will not make fun of anyone, cyber-bully, or intentionally exclude my peers from group-work. I will tell a teacher if I see anything hurtful to another student.
I am responsible for protecting the security of the WHPS network. I will not try to change security settings or install any software on school technology without permission. I will not use a personal device in school without a teacher’s permission. I will maintain programs and files the way that they have been organized for us and will not change, delete, or move files.
I am responsible for protecting WHPS property. I will not break or destroy any computer equipment on purpose. I will not move any equipment, including headphones, keyboards and mice, without permission.
I am responsible for protecting other people’s property online. I will not plagiarize. When I use information from a website, I will properly give credit to content, images, video, and music by citing my work.
I am responsible for following school rules if I publish anything online. I will not publish anything online without permission. I will keep my full name, phone number, address, and other personal information private on the internet.