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Software for WHPS and Public Act 16-189

Public Act 16-189, an Act Concerning Student Data Privacy, addresses the provision of personally identifiable student information to individuals or entities outside West Hartford Public Schools. While we are vigilant about maintaining student confidentiality under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), this Connecticut law adds a layer of requirements to ensure student privacy. Public Act 16-189 sets forth minimum privacy and contractual standards for all parties involved in the creation, use, or handling of student data. Apps that clearly do not collect student work and/or student information often receive quick approval without getting posted to the website and get released for prompt use (example: Dice app).

Software decisions about access and use are made by building administrators and their staff so not all of the programs listed below are used at every school. Talk with your school principal if you have questions about your school's access and login options.

Staff can make software requests through Helpdesk. Requests get reviewed, and if vendors have signed the Student Data Privacy Pledge, deployment proceeds. If you have any questions, please contact your school's office. 

The following vendors have recently or are currently being used in our schools: