Essential Question: How can legos help children with special needs?
Quest 5: Type III Exemplars
Essential Question: What are interesting facts about cats that people would be interested in learning?
Essential Question: What types of coding are best for different ages?
Essential Question: What was the Doolittle Raid and what effect did it have on the outcome of WWII?
Essential Question: How can I use writing to educate and inspire others to better care for our world?
Essential Question: How does screen time affect children?
Essential Question: How does our diet at school compare to the ideal diet and see if it could be improved?
Essential Question: How can we write a proposal for an afterschool program called Nature & Science QUEST that will convince the BOE that it is necessary for the vision of a WHPS graduate?
Essential Question: How can I use Norse mythology to create a sci-fi novel?
Essential Question: How can hearing impaired students use technology to more seamlessly take part in classroom learning?
Essential Question: How does sleep affect us?
Essential Question: What can we do to change global warming?
Essential Question: How has ballet evolved through the centuries, and how will it continue to do so in the future?
Essential Question: How can traffic congestion be reduced?