Lesson Ideas
Collections of Ideas by Grade Level:
For Elementary School and Up:
AI4K12: site with multiple ideas, grades K-12
Code.org’s CS Fundamentals Lesson Ideas: unplugged, with a computer
The Hello Ruby Series comes with several embedded ideas for younger children that would best be done with an adult to be sure vocabulary is being practiced
This CS4ALL Blueprint has a collection of ideas for multiple grade levels
VR2LTch.com: site with ideas for teachers to help PreK and Kindergarten students learn the basics of computer science
For Middle School and Up:
AI4K12: site with multiple ideas, grades K-12
MIT’s AIk12 Site: resources, research, and publications
CART Summer Camp: lesson Ideas developed by teachers in Fresno Unified School District, California
Code.org’s CS Discoveries was created as a standalone course to teach the fundamentals of CS to prepare students for high school CS coursework.
The CS Unplugged Series has recommendations for upper elementary, middle and high school students. With these activities, all you need is paper, pencil, and an imagination to see how you are using these items to simulate how a computer really works.
techguide.org provides detailed information for students who are considering technology-focused careers
EV3 Programming Lesson Ideas
Lego.com Main Site Starting Tutorials
Site is called “EV3 Lessons” - lesson ideas range from beginner to advanced
For Integration:
AI for Social Good resources about AI and impact of CS
CS First - this site explains overlap between multiple subject areas. CS First is free and integrates nicely with Google Classroom. It is the perfect way for ES or MS teachers to experiment with integrating small amounts of CS into their classes! Here is a link to learn more.
Hour of Code Activities are organized by topic and grade level
Link to Google drive folder with ideas, organized by subject
Scratch Jr works well for grades 2 and up
Scratch and Pencil Code are great sites for students grades 4 and up to use code to tell visual stories
VidCode’s JavaScript 101
Want to learn more or prepare to teach an existing CS class?
AP CS Principles Endorsed Providers for AP CS Principles
BootUp - for grades K-5
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy - would help with integration in PreK-8 and specific courses in HS CS
Code.org - for ES, MS, or HS
CT CSTA Events Calendar
GenCyber - perfect for MS or HS Cybersecurity information
Google Apps Script tutorial - make your Google tools smarter
Learn.Unity.com - used in Game & Web Design
Raspberry Pi - project ideas; learn while doing
AP Workshops for AP CS Principles or AP CS A