3000 Business
Click below to view policies regarding Business and Non-Instructional Operations.
- 3000 Concept and Roles in Business and Non-Instructional Operations
- 3050 Model Code of Conduct Governing Procurements Under a Federal Award
- 3100 Budget Planning
- 3110 Setting Budget Priorities
- 3120 Preparation of Budget Document
- 3130 Adoption of Budget
- 3140 Board Budget Procedures And Line Item Transfers
- 3150 Capital Outlay
- 3210 Interest Accrued from Specially Funded Projects
- 3220 Tuition Fees
- 3230 Gifts, Grants and Bequests
- 3240 Fees, Fines, Charges
- 3310 Purchasing Procedures
- 3320 Payment of Bills
- 3420 Periodic Audit
- 3430 Inventories - Inventory Records
- 3431 Inventories - Mantenance and Control of Materials
- 3440 School Activity Funds
- 3510 Plant Operation and Management
- 3512 Safety - Buildings and Grounds
- 3513 Safety - Personal
- 3515 Green Cleaning Programs
- 3520 Travel by Staff Members
- 3530 Insurance - Insurance Coverage
- 3550 Mail and Delivery
- 3560 Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Fiscal Compliance
3000 Concept and Roles in Business and Non-Instructional Operations
The Board of Education recognizes that money and money management comprise the foundation of the school district’s educational programs and shall work with town boards and elected officials to provide adequate appropriations in support of these programs. To make that support as effective as possible, the Board of Education shall:
1. Encourage advance planning through the best possible budget procedures.
2. Develop long-range educational and financial plans to provide appropriate educational programs for students within the community’s ability to pay.
3. Explore all practical sources of dollar income.
4. Guide the expenditure of funds so as to extract the greatest educational returns.
5. Establish top quality, accepted accounting and reporting procedures.
6. Work cooperatively with other appropriate governmental agencies and officials.
The operation and maintenance of school plant and equipment shall set high standards of safety, to promote the health of students and staff, to reflect prudent management of available resources, and to support environmentally the efforts of the staff to provide a good education.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3050 Model Code of Conduct Governing Procurements Under a Federal Award
In compliance with Code of Federal Regulations 2 C.F.R. § 200.318
In accordance with Federal and State regulations, the following Code of Conduct applies to the selection, award, and/or administration of a contract procuring property or services under a Federal award, including the expenditure of Connecticut School Nutrition Program (“School Nutrition Program”) funds by any West Hartford Board of Education (“Board”) employee or agent.
Article I. Purpose
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to establish standards of conduct covering real or apparent conflicts of interest and governing the actions of Board employees engaged in the selection, award, and/or administration of contracts procuring property or services under a Federal award, including expending School Nutrition Program funds on goods and/or services. This Code of Conduct also sets forth discipline that may result from violating these standards.
Article II. Code of Conduct Provisions
In addition to other applicable policies and regulations promulgated by the Board, the Board expects the following conduct of all persons who are engaged in the award and administration of contracts supported by Federal funds, including School Nutrition Program funds:
1. No employee, officer, or agent of the Board shall participate in the selection, award and/or administration of a contract supported by Federal funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Conflicts of interest arise when one of the following has a financial or other interest in, or a tangible personal benefit from, the firm selected for the award:
a. The employee, officer, or agent of the Board;
b. Any immediate family member of the Board employee, officer, or agent (spouse, sibling, parent, child);
c. The partner of the Board employee, officer, or agent; or
d. An organization that employs or is about to employ one of the above.
2. The Board’s employees, officers, or agents shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, travel packages, incentives or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub-agreements related to programs funded by the Federal government, in whole or in part.
3. The Board’s employees, officers, or agents shall disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. Thereafter, as required by law, the Board shall disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Failure of any Board employee to abide by this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The Board reserves the right to pursue legal actions for violations as permitted by law.
Legal References:
Federal Regulations and Guidance
2 C.F.R. § 200.112 Conflict of Interest.
2 C.F.R. § 200.318 General Procurement Standards.
2 C.F.R. § 400.2 Conflict of Interest.
United States Department of Agriculture, Contracting with Food Service Management Companies: Guidance for School Food Authorities, https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/cn/SP40_CACFP12_SFSP14-2016a2.pdf (May 2016).
United States Department of Agriculture, Contracting with Food Service Management Companies: Guidance for State Agencies, https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/cn/SP40_CACFP12_SFSP14-2016a1.pdf (May 2016).
United States Department of Agriculture, Written Codes of Conduct and Performance of Employees Engaged in Award and Administration of Contracts, SP 09-2015, CACFP 03-2015, SFSP 02-2015, https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/cn/SP09_CACFP%2003_SFSP02-2015os.pdf (November 2014).
Connecticut Statutes, Regulations and Guidance
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-79 Definitions.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-215 Lunches, breakfasts and other feeding programs for public school children and employees.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-215b Duties of State Board of Education re feeding programs.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-216 Payment of expenses.
Regs. Conn. State. Agencies § 10-215b-1 Competitive foods.
State of Connecticut, Department of Education, Operational Memorandum No. 10-16, Written Code of Conduct and Performance of Employees Engaged in Award and Administration Contracts, https://portal.ct.gov/media/SDE/Nutrition/NSLP/Memos/OM2016/OM10-16.pdf (August 2016).
Adopted: December 5, 2023
3100 Budget Planning
As a preliminary part of the development of the budget, the Board of Education shall study the school program in its relation to the present and future needs of the students, parents, and the community. In an effort to make a budget a comprehensive reflection of the financial needs of the school system, steps shall be taken to involve representatives of the public, students, the certified and non-certified staff, and the administrative staff in the development process. The procedure for the involvement of these representatives shall be developed by the Superintendent of Schools and implemented by the superintendent’s office upon the formal approval of the Board of Education.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-222 Appropriations and budget
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3110 Setting Budget Priorities
The Board of Education shall prepare an annual operating budget for the school district, consistent with provisions of state statutes and the Town Charter, governing preparation, timelines, and available appeal procedures of reductions to the educational budget.
Establishing Budget Priorities
Before developing and adopting a proposed budget, the Board of Education shall study school programs in relation to present and future students and community needs and establish budget priorities for the fiscal year.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-51 Fiscal year. Budget. Payments by member towns; Adjustments to payments.
10-222 Appropriations and budget.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Revised: December 20, 2016
3120 Preparation of Budget Document
The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual school budget. A recommended budget shall be compiled and submitted to the Board of Education and Town Manager in accordance with the Town Charter. The Board of Education shall review the Superintendent’s proposed budget at one or more budget hearings and make changes as the majority of the Board may desire. The Board shall approve the school budget, which shall then be submitted to the Town Council. If the Town Council changes the requested appropriation, the Board of Education shall give final approval to the school budget.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-222 Appropriations and budget
Adopted: December 7, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3130 Adoption of Budget
The Board of Education will present an itemized estimated cost for the maintenance of the public schools to the fiscal authority not later than two months preceding the annual meeting at which appropriations are to be made. The estimated cost of maintaining the public schools for the ensuing year shall be the final budget for the school, modified, if necessary, by any difference in the amount requested by the Board of Education and the amount appropriated by legislative authority for the operation of the schools. If reductions are made in the budget by the Town Council or as a result of a town referendum, the Superintendent of Schools shall prepare a final budget recommendation for Board of Education review, modification if needed, and approval.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-51 Fiscal Year. Budget. Payments by member towns; adjustments to payments.
10-222 Appropriations and budget.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3140 Board Budget Procedures And Line Item Transfers
In accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-222, the Board shall prepare an itemized estimate of its budget each year for submission to the fiscal authority (i.e. Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen, Town Council, or other appropriating municipal authority) (the “Fiscal Authority”) for review and appropriation. For purposes of this policy, an itemized estimate means an estimate in which the following broad budgetary categories listed below are divided into one or more budgetary category line items.
Employee Benefits
Purchased Services
The itemized estimate provided to the Fiscal Authority is referred to herein as the “Itemized Estimate.”
The Board shall review the recommendations and suggestions made by the Fiscal Authority as to how it may consolidate non-educational services and realize financial efficiencies. If the Board rejects such suggestions and recommendations, it shall provide the Fiscal Authority a written explanation of the reason for the rejection.
Following the annual appropriation, the Board shall meet and revise the Itemized Estimate, if necessary, and adopt a final appropriated budget for the year. Line items in the budget may be allocated more specifically by the Superintendent or his/her designee in the development, administration and monitoring of the budget.
The Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall be responsible for administering and monitoring the budget through the course of the year. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall maintain a system of appropriate expenditures and encumbrance accounting that is organized to conform with the requirements for State and Federal Accounting Reports. A monthly budget report shall be prepared in the same format as the Itemized Estimate showing for each budgetary category line item the appropriated budget amount, expenditure to date (to include encumbered and expended amounts), projected expenditures, difference between the projected expenditures and the appropriation, and general comments indicating the reasons for the difference.
Such budget report shall be presented to the Board at the first regularly scheduled meeting in the month following the period for which such report is prepared, in accordance with the following schedule:
Period Covered Submitted
Year Ended Prior June October
July -September November
October December
November January
December February
January March
February April
March May
April June
Based on expenditures and budget projections, with such budget reports, the Superintendent may recommend to the Board transfers from one of the broad budgetary categories in the Itemized Estimate (as set forth above) to another as needed.
The Superintendent is authorized to make such transfers as necessary, provided that such transfers by the Superintendent shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the annual budget. Transfers between the broad budgetary categories in the Itemized Estimate made in such instances shall be announced at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board and a written explanation of such transfer shall be provided to the legislative body of the municipality or, in a municipality where the legislative body is a town meeting, to the board of selectmen and transfers subsequently ratified by the Board at any such meeting shall not be counted in the limitation on the authority of the Superintendent to make transfers.
The Board shall not expend more than the amount of the appropriation and the amount of money received from other sources for school purposes. If any occasion arises whereby additional funds are needed by the Board, the Chairperson of the Board shall notify the Fiscal Authority and submit a request for such necessary additional funds. No additional funds shall be expended until such supplemental appropriation is granted and no supplemental expenditures shall be made in excess of those so authorized.
Legal Reference:
Conn. Gen. Stat.
Adopted: January 11, 1988
Revised: December 1, 1998
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
Revised: December 20, 2022
3150 Capital Outlay
Capital Improvements
A long- and short-term plan for capital improvements shall be developed by the Superintendent of Schools in order to provide an orderly process for acquisition of needed equipment and facilities within budgetary constraints.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3210 Interest Accrued from Specially Funded Projects
Interest Accrued from Specially-Funded Accounts
Any interest that may accrue from specially-funded accounts shall be dedicated to the following purposes unless otherwise determined by the Board of Education:
1. to fund research and development projects intended to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning;
2. to fund research and development projects intended to enhance the application of modern technology to instruction and administration;
3. to fund capital improvement projects intended to reduce operating costs; and
4. to fund projects intended to assure supplemental educational opportunities for all pupils.
The Superintendent shall inform the Board of each project that he/she will be initiating. He/she shall also inform the Board annually of the status of all such projects.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3220 Tuition Fees
- The Board of Education will accept special education students by agreement with other boards of education on a tuition basis.
- A tuition fee may be charged when a course is offered outside the regular school hours and/or regular school year.
- A high school pupil who has completed at least the sophomore and junior years in a West Hartford public high school, after which his/her parents move from West Hartford, may be permitted to complete the senior year tuition free upon approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Any other high school pupils who have completed at least one full school year in a West Hartford public high school, after which his/her parents move from West Hartford, may be permitted to complete the remaining full school years at that high school on a tuition basis upon the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-33 Tuition in towns in which no high school is maintained
10-34 Approval by state board of incorporated or endowed high school or academy
10-35 Notice of discontinuation of high school service to nonresidents
10-220 Duties of boards of education
Adopted: December 7, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3230 Gifts, Grants and Bequests
It is the responsibility of the Board of Education to allocate money appropriated by the Town Council to purchase necessary and needed services and equipment, except the Board of Education may accept, within the constraints of law, on behalf of and for the schools any bequest or gift of money or property for a purpose deemed by the Board of Education to be suitable, and may use such money or property so designated to extend and enhance the work of the schools.
The Superintendent of Schools shall set up criteria to be met in the acceptance of gifts, and the procedure for examining and evaluating offers of gifts to the school system.
All gifts shall be accepted for the school system as a whole, and not for particular school. At the discretion of the Superintendent, the gift may be used in a particular school. Items contributed to the school district become the property of the district and are subject to the same controls and regulations that govern the use of all school-owned property.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
7-194 Powers
Adopted: September 27, 1993
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3240 Fees, Fines, Charges
The Board of Education will provide all instructional equipment, books, and materials as it deems necessary to maintain the desired instructional program free of charge, subject to reasonable rules concerning their care and use.
The administration will prescribe rules to impose sanctions against pupils who fail to return or who damage textbooks, library books, or other educational materials.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-228 Free textbooks, supplies, materials and equipment
10-15(b) Access of parents or guardians to student’s records.
10-221(c) Boards of Education to prescribe rules, policies, and procedures.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: December 20, 2016
3310 Purchasing Procedures
The director of management services shall be responsible for all purchases in accordance with approved town procedures when applicable. No transaction shall be authorized until a purchase order has been issued. For all bulk purchases and major equipment designated personnel shall prepare specifications and submit them with formal invitations to bid to three or more qualified vendors. The lowest bid, consistent with quality and educational requirements, shall be accepted. Informal bids may be secured for minor purchases. Provision shall be made for the rejection of any and all bids.
All individual purchases below $10,000 may be executed without competitive bidding procedures; however, at least three quotations shall be solicited where appropriate. All individual requisitions of $10,000 or more shall require competitive bids. Where possible, a minimum of three bids shall be obtained.
The Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall have the authority to designate a sole manufacturer when educational practices are a prime consideration.
Purchase orders shall be signed by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
All receiving reports shall be initialed by the school principal, administrator, or other appropriate cost center staff or by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3320 Payment of Bills
Payment of bills shall be authorized by the Superintendent of Schools or someone designated by him/her only after the receipt of verification from the school or department that is responsible for the receipt and use of the articles or services purchased. All bills, before being processed for payment, shall bear the authorized approval stamp properly executed.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
10-248 Payment of school expenses
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3420 Periodic Audit
An audit of all accounts of the school system shall be made annually by an auditor selected by the town.
The audit shall include all funds of the school system including the student body and cafeteria funds and accounts, and any other funds under the control or jurisdiction of the Board of Education. The audit shall identify all expenditures by source of funds, and shall contain (1) a statement that the audit was conducted pursuant to standards and procedures approved by the State of Connecticut and (2) a summary of audit exceptions and management recommendations.
This audit does not serve the requirements of C.G.S. 10-260a regarding the obligations of the auditors of public accounts in auditing of state grants for public education.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes:
7-391 et seq. Municipal Auditing Act (including school districts as “audited agencies”)
10-260a Auditing of state grants for public education
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3430 Inventories - Inventory Records
3431 Inventories - Mantenance and Control of Materials
The Board of Education shall permit school equipment to be loaned to staff members when such use is directly or indirectly related to their employment, and to students when the equipment is to be used in connection with their studies or extra-curricular activities. Proper controls shall be established to assure the lender’s responsibility for, and return of, all such equipment with full knowledge of school administration.
The building principal shall establish procedures for inventory control of all materials assigned to his/her building in conjunction with the business office.
The Department of Information Technology must retain a current inventory of school system materials.
Proper maintenance procedures shall be established by the Department of Information Technology administrator.
(cf. 1250 – Use of School Facilities)
(cf. 3440 – Inventories)
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3440 School Activity Funds
The Superintendent or his/her designee may establish school activity funds to handle any of the following: 1) the finances of that part of the cost for the school lunch program that is not provided by local appropriations; 2) the finances of that part of the cost of the driver education program that is not provided by local appropriations; and/or 3) such funds of schools and school organizations as the Superintendent or his/her designee may determine to be in the best interest of the school district (which funds may include amounts received as gifts or donations).
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall designate a person to serve as treasurer of any school activity fund. Such treasurer shall be bonded and shall keep separate accounts for each school activity fund. The treasurer may expend monies from the school activity funds only to the extent such expenses are in furtherance of the stated purposes of the school activity fund, and subject to any restrictions imposed by the Superintendent or his/her designee at the time the school activity fund is established or subsequently. The control of school funds and funds of any school organizations shall remain in the name of the respective schools and organizations.
The accounts of any school activity fund shall be considered town accounts and shall be audited by the town auditor in the same manner as all other town accounts.
Legal Reference:
Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-237
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
Revised: December 20, 2022
3510 Plant Operation and Management
The Board of Education intends to operate school buildings and grounds efficiently and effectively in order to maintain the attractiveness of their appearance, and to keep them in repair and free from hazards to safety.
The Director of Plant Services shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all school property. He/she shall direct all operational and maintenance employees and cause work schedules to be made for each employee.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3512 Safety - Buildings and Grounds
Non-Instructional Operations
Plant Operation and Management
Safety of Buildings and Grounds
Buildings constitute one of the greatest investments of the Town and school system. It is in the interest of students and taxpayers to protect that investment adequately.
The Superintendent of Schools is directed to establish such rules and regulations as may be needed to provide for security in the sense outlined below:
1. Minimizing fire hazards and to comply with fire code
2. Reducing the probability of faulty equipment
3. Guarding against the chance of electrical shock
4. Keeping records and funds in a safe place
5. Protection against vandalism and burglary
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3513 Safety - Personal
Non-Instructional Operations
Plant Operation and Management
Safety - Personal
The health and safety of our students and staff is of utmost priority. The Board of Education, through the Superintendent, orders that safety measures be promulgated so that students and staff are protected coming to and from school and during the school day, including extracurricular activities.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3515 Green Cleaning Programs
It is the policy of the West Hartford Board of Education (the “Board”) to implement a green cleaning program in which the Board procures and properly uses environmentally preferable cleaning products in school buildings and facilities. Pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(A) of section 10-231g of the Connecticut General Statutes, any disinfectant, disinfecting cleaner, sanitizer or any other antimicrobial product approved by federal law may be used by the Board.
The Board shall provide the staff of each school and, upon request, the parents and guardians of each child enrolled in each school with a written statement of the school district’s green cleaning program. Such notice shall include (1) the types and names of environmentally preferable cleaning products being applied in schools, (2) the location of the application of such cleaning products in the school buildings and facilities, (3) the schedule of when such cleaning products are applied in the school buildings and facilities, (4) the statement, "No parent, guardian, teacher or staff member may bring into the school facility any consumer product which is intended to clean, deodorize, sanitize or disinfect." and (5) the name of the school administrator, or a designee, who may be contacted for further information. Such notice shall be provided to the parents or guardians of any child who transfers to a school during the school year and to staff hired during the school year.
The Board shall make such notice, as well as the report submitted to the Department of Education pursuant to subsection (a) of section 10-220 of the Connecticut General Statutes (i.e., required report on condition of facilities, action taken to implement the Board’s long-term school building program, indoor air quality and green cleaning program), available on its web site and the web site of each school under such board's jurisdiction. If no such web site exists, the Board shall make such notice otherwise publicly available.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
§ 10-220(a) Duties of board of education.
§ 10-231g Green cleaning program at schools: Definitions. Implementation. Notice
Adopted: January 17, 2023
3520 Travel by Staff Members
Use of Cars in West Hartford
Staff members whose assigned duties necessitate the regular use of their personal cars, as traveling from school to school, shall be granted a monthly allowance which shall be based on the estimated average use of the car, according to a schedule approved by the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.
Travel Outside the Metropolitan Hartford Area
Staff members traveling outside the metropolitan Hartford area (for more than 50 miles round trip), for reasons approved in advance by the Superintendent and/or his/her designee may be reimbursed for travel expenses, the amount to be determined on the basis of the most direct route and the one including the least overall expense to the Board. When personally owned cars are used, payments shall be made in accordance with the rate established by the Board.
Staff members traveling by common carrier shall secure federal tax exemption by indicating to the travel agent that they are on school business. Employees failing to do so shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any tax paid. Staff members attending educational conferences or on official school business approved in advance by the Superintendent and/or his/her designee may be reimbursed for other expenses, including hotel room, meals, and registration, with the allowance appropriated in the annual budget.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Revised: February 26, 1992
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3530 Insurance - Insurance Coverage
Property and Casualty Insurance
The Town’s risk management program provides financing for the Board of Education’s property and casualty risks including the following:
a. All risk Property insurance including boiler and machinery coverage to cover school buildings and personal property owned by the Board.
b. General Liability to protect Board of Education staff from financial loss and expense arising from negligent acts while acting in the discharge of his/her duties within the scope of employment.
c. Automobile Liability and Physical Damage coverage for school owned vehicles.
d. Crime and Fidelity Bond to cover public employee dishonesty including faithful performance and robbery and safe burglary.
In 1982, the Town established a permanent Risk Management Fund to account for and finance the cost of risk management to the Town and school system. The Town is responsible for the administration of the risk management program including maintaining staff and contract for services necessary for the implementation of this program. Subject to applicable law, provisions of the Town Charter, and consideration of recommendations of the Risk Management Advisory Board, the Town determines the risk management strategy best suited to mitigate and finance the Board of Education’s property and casualty exposures.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes:
10-235 Indemnification of teachers, board members, employees and certain volunteers and students in damage suits; expenses of litigation
10-236 Liability 10-236a Indemnification of educational personnel assaulted in the line of duty
14-29 Owners of motor or service buses, taxicabs, school buses, school transportation vehicles and motor vehicles in livery service to furnish insurance or bond
52-557 Injury to children being transported to school
Town Charter:
§18-18 Risk management program: Risk Management Advisory Board
§18-38 Risk Management Fund
Adopted: November 17, 1997
Revised: April 18, 2017
3550 Mail and Delivery
The use of school system mail facilities and personnel for the distribution of materials and communications shall be restricted mainly to those materials and communications that further the educational purposes of the school system. The Superintendent may authorize certain exceptions without defeating the intent of this policy.
Political and commercial materials shall not be distributed through the school system mail boxes or school mail system unless received through the United States mail.
Adopted: November 17, 1987
Reviewed: February 22, 2017
3560 Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Fiscal Compliance
The West Hartford Board of Education (the “Board”) will, in all respects, comply with the requirements of state and federal law with regard to special education fiscal compliance. Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq. (“IDEA”) and its associated regulations, the Board shall specifically ensure compliance with the fiscal provisions of the IDEA, as they may be amended from time to time. The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative regulations with regard to such fiscal compliance.
Legal References:
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400, et seq. (IDEA)
34 C.F.R. § 300.144
34 C.F.R. § 300.202(a)(3)
34 C.F.R. § 300.133(d)
34 C.F.R. § 300.172
34 C.F.R. § 300.205(d)
34 C.F.R. § 300.226(a)
34 C.F.R. § 300.209(b)
34 C.F.R. § 300.818, Appendix A
Adopted: January 17, 2023