- Superintendent's Message
- Introduction
- Mission Statement
- Goals
- Objectives
- Team Limitations
- Length of Season
- CCC Conference and Sports
- Student-Athlete Captains
- Captain's Practice
- Student-Athlete Behavior
- Participation
- Sportsmanship
- Attendance and Vacation Policies
- Locker Rooms
- Athletic Equipment
- Regulations and Procedures for Awards
- Registration Fee Policy
- Conflict Resolution
- Insurance Plan
- CIAC Eligibility Rules
- CIAC Transfer Rules
- N.C.A.A. Initial-Eligibility for College Athletes
- Sports Medicine
- Transportation Waiver
Superintendent's Message
Dear Student-Athlete:
When you were granted the privilege of participating in West Hartford athletics, you automatically became a highly visible member of our community. As a West Hartford student-athlete, you carry a responsibility not only to your school and your team but, most importantly, to yourself. You are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct both within and outside the competitive arena. You serve as an example to your fellow students.
While the desire to win is natural, it's important to understand that winning every time is unrealistic. Don’t lose sight of the simple pleasure of playing the game or competing. Being a successful competitor extends far beyond the final score; it's a personal style that should be evident in all your actions. The true measure of a competitor is someone who consistently gives their best effort, supports others in a collective pursuit of success, and respects others while working towards both team and individual goals. Outperforming others in athletic competition means little if personal integrity, fair play, and the genuine joy of participation are compromised in the process.
Always keep in mind that sports are meant to be enjoyable!
Paul Vicinus
All student-athletes are governed by regulations formulated by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (C.I.A.C.) in which all Connecticut high schools hold membership. The C.I.A.C. organization insures standardized and fair regulations for which all schools must follow. Athletic activities in the West Hartford high schools are further governed by their membership in the Central Connecticut Conference.
Non-Discrimination Statement
“The West Hartford Public School system does not knowingly condone discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or handicap in employment or assignment in program or service provided or operated by the West Hartford Board of Education.”
Revised 2018
Mission Statement
The philosophy of the Athletic Department is to offer an excellence based interscholastic athletic program that is an integral part of the educational philosophy and goals of the West Hartford Public Schools. We believe that:
- Athletics teaches and promotes values.
- Athletics contributes positively to the overall climate of the schools and community.
- Participation in athletics develops respect for others.
- Participation in athletics fosters positive growth and development.
- The athletic program offers an equal opportunity for participation for all students who meet eligibility requirements.
- Participation in athletics promotes personal improvement and excellence.
- Participation in athletics fosters fitness, good personal habits, and exemplary behavior.
- Participation in athletics provides for a varied athletic experience.
- Participation in athletics is a privilege.
We believe that when an individual makes a commitment to giving his or her best effort to their individual and team goals, the experience in athletics becomes a rewarding and a realistic preparation for a successful future.
- To create an atmosphere that will promote good sportsmanship and the overall value of sport.
- To provide opportunities for students that will enhance physical and emotional development.
- To provide opportunities that will engender a positive self-image.
- To promote and nurture good citizenship.
- To foster social sensibility and moral responsibility.
- To contribute to the participant’s growth in physical fitness, skill acquisition, emotional maturity, and social interaction.
- To provide a well-planned and well-balanced program of interscholastic athletics for as many secondary school students as possible.
- To sponsor a wide variety of interscholastic sports in each of the three sport seasons for all students.
- To maintain a high standard of credible and positive performance and conduct on and off the field.
- To provide high quality leadership for all athletic programs so as to exemplify to student’s a desired behavior to be developed from each athletic program.
- To nurture a proper attitude toward winning and losing.
- To offer opportunities for cooperation, self-discipline, and commitment.
- To develop an understanding of physical fitness concepts.
- To educate coaches and student-athletes about athletic fitness training and nutritional concerns.
- To promote competitive activity as part of the total educational program while demonstrating concern for the student’s total emotional development.
- To promote the benefits of a sound mind and body.
- To abide by all school and conference rules and regulations.
- To appreciate individual differences through teamwork and competition.
- To inculcate in students responsibility for their actions.
- To offer students the opportunity to develop their physical selves to their maximum potential.
- To strive to improve students’ skills to gain proficiency in their chosen athletic activity (ies).
- To develop students’ self-discipline, respect for authority and commitment to hard work.
- To place the team and its objectives higher than personal desires.
- To work together with others to achieve common goals.
- To value efforts and contributions of peers and teammates.
- To provide equitable programs, available facilities, certified personnel, and financial support to operate and to manage athletic activities.
- To insure that student-athletes and coaches are in compliance with all conference, CIAC, and school rules.
- To provide available resources from the board of education, town council, and the community.
- To meet all conference, CIAC, and school eligibility requirements.
- To require all coaches to assist and support the athletic department in insuring that all student-athletes follow and uphold the rules set forth in the student-athlete handbook.
Team Limitations
The West Hartford athletic program is established to offer opportunities for student-athletes to compete on organized teams or as individuals against student-athletes from similar high schools.
In any given year, it may be necessary for the coach(es) of the athletics teams to limit the number of student-athletes representing the school in seasonal competition. Depending on the number of student-athletes interested in joining a sports team, coaches may be required to reduce the size of their team due to safety concerns, space limitation, and the availability of coaches.
We encourage coaches to involve as many students as they can without compromising the safety of their sport. Athletic coaches will be responsible for selecting student-athletes to compete on athletic teams. The selection process may exclude some student-athletes from becoming a member of a team.
Transfer after Team Limitations or “Cuts”: A student-athlete may transfer to another sport with the consent of the coach(es) prior to that team’s first athletic contest (in accordance CIAC Bylaws: In-Season Rules
Coach’s Discretion: The head coach will determine whether or not a student-athlete can register for a particular sport after try-outs have been completed. (Prior to the team’s first athletic contest.)
Transfers: Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the head coach and athletic director for transfer students and students whose academic eligibility has been reinstated. Student behavior and academic standing will be taken into strong consideration.
There is a ‘no cut’ policy for the Conard-Hall Girls Ice Hockey Co-op team.
Senior student-athletes are not entitled to be a member of a Varsity team.
Junior Varsity Athletics: JV opportunities exist to provide those student-athletes, who are unable to participate on the varsity squad, an opportunity to develop skills, gain experience and appreciate the game. Being a member of a JV team does not guarantee that a student-athlete will automatically move to the varsity level the following year. The development of student-athletes should be the prime objective of a JV squad while at the same time acknowledging the value of winning, learning, and enjoying being a member of a team.
Freshman Athletics: Freshman athletic programs are designed to provide ninth-grade students with the opportunity to participate in an instructional yet competitive setting. These programs will teach the basic skills of the sport and afford athletes an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience, as well as the skills necessary for JV competition. Freshman athletes may, on occasion, participate in JV or Varsity contests, respectively. Decisions of this nature are based on the evaluation of the athlete’s abilities by the coaching staff. These decisions should not be misinterpreted as an absolute to move to the next level of competition.
Length of Season
All student-athletes are considered in season beginning with the CIAC first practice date and ending with the Finals of the CIAC tournament, regardless of whether of not the individual or individual’s team is still actively participating. In addition, any individual who is still participating in post-season play (e.g. all-star games, all-state, and all-New England or other competitions) while representing his/her high school or region are still considered in season.
CCC Conference and Sports
League Members:
East Catholic
Rocky Hill
East Hartford
New Britain
South Windsor
Bristol Central
Bristol Eastern
Northwest Catholic
Hartford Public
E.O. Smith
Lewis S. Mills
Sports offered by season:
Boys Cross Country
Girls Cross Country
Boys Golf
Field Hockey
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Swimming & Diving
Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Ice Hockey
Girls Ice Hockey
Boys Indoor Track
Boys Swimming & Diving
Girls Golf
Boys Tennis
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Lacrosse
Boys Track and Field
Girls Track and Field
Boys Volleyball
Student-Athlete Captains
- Selection as a captain of an athletic team is an honor and a privilege.
- The captain’s responsibilities begin when he/she is selected.
- Captains who violate the substance abuse policy will be removed as a captain regardless of whether or not the student-athlete is in season. Furthermore, other violations or infractions of the student-athlete code of conduct or of school rules may result in the student-athlete being removed as a team captain.
- Set an example of sportsmanship and good behavior at all times.
Captain's Practice
The term “Captain’s Practice” usually means the team’s captain organizing and conducting practice sessions for that sport without adult supervision.
The CIAC and West Hartford Public Schools do not in any way sanction, encourage or condone “Captain’s Practice” in any sport. “Captain’s Practice,” depending on the member school’s involvement, may be a clear violation of eligibility rule II.D. (Seasons limitations) or certainly a violation of the spirit of Rule II.D.
Student-Athlete Behavior
Students who are participating in sports and/or extra-curricular or co-curricular activities are representing both themselves as well as their high school. To that end, the following behaviors will be considered serious violations of the athletic code and school rules and will result in a four-week suspension from the team and/or activity and loss of leadership role(s) for one calendar year:
A. Arson
B. Burglary/ Breaking and Entering
C. Robbery
D. Racial Slurs/Hate Crimes
E. Sexual Harassment
F. Sexual Battery
G. Sexual Offence
H. Bullying
I. Battery/Assault
J. Hazing
K. School Threat
L. Vandalism
M. Weapon
N. Violation of Board Policy #5520 (Drug and Alcohol Policy, more information found in the Student Handbook)
In addition, any civil or criminal law infraction, violation of school rules requiring administrative action, or misconduct that is potentially detrimental to the athletic program, school, or school district may result in suspension or removal from the team and/or activity, in accordance with the severity of the misconduct.
To participate in athletics you must:
A. Must be enrolled in a West Hartford Public School program
B. Pass a physical examination in the current school year and file the completed examination form with the school nurse.
C. Register online and pay the registration fee of $175 (for each sport season; $700 family cap for the school year).
Ways to Promote and Show Good Sportsmanship
- Exhibit spirit of benevolence and genuine concern for the opponent.
- Accept the results gracefully and act fairly and courteous at all times
- Maintain self-control in all circumstances.
- Applaud during the introduction of players, coaches, and officials.
- Accept all decisions of officials.
- Cheerleaders lead fans in positive school cheers, in positive manner.
- Shake hands between participants and coaches at end of contest, regardless of outcome.
- Treat competition as a game, not a war by always keeping contest in perspective.
- Coaches and players should seek out opposing student-athletes and coaches to recognize them for outstanding performances.
- Applaud at the end of contests for performances for all participants.
- Everyone should show concern for injured players, regardless of team.
- Encourage surrounding people to display only good sportsmanship conduct.
Expectations of Parents, Students, and Other Fans
- Be an exemplary role model by positively supporting teams in every manner possible, including content of cheers and signs.
- Respect decisions made by contest officials. Do not verbally assault officials, coaches, or participants.
- Respect fans, coaches, and participants.
Expectations of Student-Athletes
- Accept and understand seriously the responsibility and privilege of representing their school and community.
- Always treat opponents with respect, shake hands prior to and after contests.
- Always respect the officials’ judgement and interpretation of the rules. Never argue or make verbal or visual gestures which indicate disagreement. Abide by the rules of the contest and display no behavior that could incite fans.
- Cooperate with coaches, officials, and fellow participants to conduct a fair contest.
- Live up to high standards of sportsmanship established by the coach, captains, and athletic department.
Attendance and Vacation Policies
A. Student-athletes must be in attendance for at least half the school day in order to participate in athletic contests and practices.
B. The student-athlete may make an appeal to the assistant principal if the school absence is due to a family emergency, college visitation or school-related activity.
C. Vacation Policy: Students are expected to attend all practice sessions and athletic competitions during the season, including those scheduled during vacation periods. Parents are advised to check with the appropriate coach as to his/her policy on missing vacation practices. It is advisable to do this early in the school year so no misunderstanding arises relative to vacation periods.
Locker Rooms
Athletic Equipment
A. Student-athletes will be issued all necessary practice and game equipment and uniforms. Each student-athlete is RESPONSIBLE for his or her issued equipment and uniform. Uniforms and equipment are to used and worn ONLY during contests in which the athlete is representing his/her school.
B. Return of Equipment and Uniforms
1. Student-athletes must return all issued equipment and uniforms to their coach at the conclusion of the season.
2. Student-athletes will reimburse the athletic department the replacement cost of any equipment or uniforms not returned. Additionally, student-athletes will reimburse the athletic department the cost of cleaning equipment or uniforms if not returned in the condition it was received.
3. Student-athletes who do return issued equipment/uniforms or reimburse the athletic department will not be allowed to participate in any other sport. At the conclusion of the school year student-athletes still owing equipment/uniforms will have report cards, transcripts, and diplomas withheld until all items are returned or paid for.
Regulations and Procedures for Awards
At the conclusion of each sports season, student-athletes will be presented appropriate awards at a team sports awards program. Athletic awards, which include letters, certificates, and/or numerals, are given to athletes at the discretion of the coach. All student-athletes, parents, and friends are welcome to attend the sports awards program.
A. Varsity letters in all athletics shall be awarded by the school upon the recommendation of the coach who shall consider the following as requirements for an award:
- A player must have been regular in attendance at all practices.
- A player must have observed all training rules and regulations. A player shall have conducted himself/herself in a most exemplary manner both on and off the field, exhibiting good sportsmanship to his/her coach, teammates, and opponents.
- A player must be in good academic standing.
B. The following guidelines are to be used when awarding varsity letters:
Varsity letters will be awarded to athlete upon the successful completion of an athletic season and at the recommendation of the head coach. Specific guidelines will be developed by each coach and clearly defined to all athletes.
C. Additional awards will be earned as follows:
- CCC All-Academic Team
- All student-athletes will be given certificates for participation.
- Elected team captains will receive a star insert for their varsity letter.
- Varsity letters will be awarded the first time the requirements are met for a letter with the sport emblem in the middle. Each time a varsity letter is earned in that sport, a bar will be given.
- A player who is dismissed from any team for disciplinary reasons or for violating CIAC rules may not be eligible for an award or certificate.
- Managers should receive recognition in relation to their service rendered at the recommendation of the coach and approval of the athletic director.
- CCC and CIAC Championship patches will be presented to varsity team members, seniors on the team, and managers. Gym Banners will be ordered or updated accordingly.
Registration Fee Policy
The Board of Education has established a policy charging student-athletes a fee for participating in athletics. To administer this policy the following guidelines have been established.
A. A flat fee of $100 per student per sport will be charged (for each sport season; $400 family cap for the school year)
B. Procedures are in place to support those who might not be able to pay.
C. An annual cap per family has been set at $400.00.
D. The fee must be received before students participate in practices or games.
E. The fee will be returned to students not making teams which have limitations on squad size. (e.g. soccer, basketball, ice hockey, baseball, softball, etc.)
F. The fee will not be refunded to students who are dropped from a team for disciplinary reasons or academic reasons.
G. A pro-rated amount of the fee, based on a percentage of the season remaining, will be returned to students, who because of injury sustained in the program, will be out for the remainder of the season.
H. The fee will be paid when registration is completed online. Checks should be made payable to Conard or Hall Athletics.
I. In the sport of football, a helmet reconditioning fee of $75 will be charged in the event a student no longer wishes to play at any point during the season after a helmet has been issued and worn. This is necessary as all helmets must be sent out for reconditioning once a student wears a football helmet; this is to ensure each helmet is safe to wear for the following season.
Note: Registration fees are used to fund all uniforms and equipment costs. They are also used to help pay for the officials for all sports.
Conflict Resolution
- The student athlete should present the conflict/issue to the coach as soon as possible to attempt to resolve the situation. Depending on the situation, an athlete may ask his/her team captain to approach the coach.
- If the conflict cannot be resolved between the athlete and the coach, the athlete should make an appointment to see the Director of Athletics.
- If the problem is still unresolved, then the athletes’ parent should contact the coach.
- Only when the problem cannot be resolved with the coach should the parent contact the Director of Athletics.
These are the recommended steps to be followed for the resolution of a conflict/issue:
a. Athlete > Captain
b. Athlete > Coach
c. Athlete > Director of Athletics
d. Parent > Coach
e. Parent > Director of Athletics
f. Parent > Principal
Areas that will not be discussed include the following: Playing time, discussions about other student athletes, and game strategies.
NOTE: It is inappropriate to discuss concerns immediately before or after an athletics contest.
Insurance Plan
The Town provides an insurance program to pay for valid claims on an EXCESS BASIS for injuries received while participating in the West Hartford Public Schools athletic program. The insurance company will consider reimbursement for eligible expenses which are not payable by your healthcare plan or any other insurance plan providing reimbursement for medical expenses, up to a maximum of $25,000. Prior to filing a claim against the Sports Accident insurance policy, you must first file the claim with your own healthcare plan.
Claim filing procedures:
- Part I of the claim form should be completed and signed by the athletic trainer. Part I requests a description of how the accident occurred. Please check to see that a complete description is provided. For example, “Basketball” is not acceptable; however, “Twisted left ankle while playing basketball” is acceptable.
- Part II of the claim form should be completed and signed by the claimant’s parent or guardian. All questions in Part II must be completed in order for the company to examine your claim. Please do not leave any questions blank. Part II includes the section entitled “Authorization to Release Information.”
- Itemized Bills must be submitted. Itemized Bills provide the dates of service, the procedure codes, the diagnosis and the charge(s). “Balance Due” bills are not acceptable because they do not provide all of the information needed to properly examine a claim.
- When submitting charges for Physical Therapy, the itemized bill must be accompanied by the prescription and include the frequency and the duration of the treatment.
- Submit copies of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements from your own healthcare plan. The EOB’s will show how much your healthcare plan paid for the services rendered and the amount that is your responsibility. There should be an EOB for each Itemized Bill you have submitted for reimbursement.
- Mail or email the fully completed claim form, each Itemized Bill (and the prescription, if applicable) and the corresponding EOB to the Athletics Office for processing.
- For specific questions regarding your claim after all the above steps have been completed, please call the Risk Management Department at (860) 561-7485.
Please remember, the policy is an Accident insurance policy. It does not provide reimbursement for illness or for injuries that are not the result of an Accident. It is subject to exclusions and limitations. The policy may also contain a deductible which may be the claimant’s responsibility.
Please be aware that the claim form contains state mandated fraud warning language that requires your review and signature.
Claims for any single occurrence of injury should be filed within five (5) days of the accident. Only in special circumstances, and with the approval of the Town of West Hartford and the insurance company, will claims be honored up to three hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date of the accident.
Claims are not reviewed by the Athletic Department. All claims are sent to the Town’s insurance carrier for the final decision rendered.
CIAC Eligibility Rules
A student has eight (8) consecutive semesters or four (4) consecutive years of eligibility from the date of entry into the ninth grade to be eligible for interscholastic competition. This is an eight semester attendance rule i.e., eight semesters of time not eight semesters of participation or competition rule.
(You are eligible):
A. If you are taking at least four (4) units of work or the equivalent;
(Rule I.B.): A pupil cannot at any time represent a school unless taking at least four quarter Carnegie Units of work or its equivalent. “Equivalent” is any number of courses which are equal to one Carnegie Unit.
B. If you have passed at least four (4) units or the equivalent at the end of the last regular marking period;
(Rule I.A., I.B.): To be eligible for fall sports a pupil must have received credit toward graduation at the close of the school year preceding the contest in at least four (4) Carnegie Units of work or its equivalent for which he or she has not previously received credit. Credit must be earned during the same academic year. During the school year a pupil must have received a passing mark in at least four (4) quarter Carnegie Units of work or its equivalent at the end of the regular marking period next preceding the contest. Student eligibility will be determined for all students on the date that report cards are distributed or on the fourteenth calendar day following the end of the marking period, whichever comes first. No Carnegie Unit or equivalent for which the pupil has already received credit shall be included in those required by this rule. Scholastic failures cannot be made up for eligibility purposes in any manner until the next report, except that credits earned during the summer by any regularly approved board of education procedure will be accepted for the purpose of determining the eligibility of pupils desiring to participate in the athletic program of the school in September. Scholastic incompletes must be made up within ten (10) school days following the date that student eligibility was determined for the respective marking period as defined above. Incomplete grades are not to be considered as passing grades. Marking period grades (not semester grades) are to be used in determining scholastic eligibility to participate in interscholastic athletics during any given marking period. To be eligible for fall sports a pupil must have received credit toward graduation for four (4) Carnegie Units of work for which he or she has not previously received credit. The final academic average determines fall eligibility. Semester courses or mini-courses completed earlier n the school year may be counted toward the four (4) units used in determining eligibility for fall season. Year-end failures may be made up through successful completion of LEA approved summer school work in courses failed.
(You are NOT eligible):
C. If you are twenty (20) years of age or will turn twenty (20) during a season;
(Rule II. B.): The student shall not have reached his or her twentieth (20th ) birthday. A student-athlete will not be allowed to start a season* or compete during a season in which his/her twentieth (20th ) birthday falls. (*Season as defined in Article IX, Section II.D. and E of the CIAC Bylaws)
D. If you have changed schools without a change of legal residence, with the exception of incoming freshman;
(Rule II.C.): A pupil who transfers from a school to a CIAC member school during grade 10-11, or 12 without at the same time changing legal residence to another school district or school service area, or satisfying at least one of the following requirements must complete at least one year (365 days) of approved membership before being eligible for interscholastic competition in any sport in which he or she was a participant in the present or receding season during grades 10, 11, or 12 on the junior varsity or varsity team.
Hardship Exception to the Transfer Rule (Rule II. C. #20): Hardship-Eligibility may be granted to a transfer student who does not meet the CIAC Transfer Standard when sufficient evidence is provided. Hardship is defined as an unforeseeable, an unavoidable, and uncorrectable act, condition or event which causes the imposition of a severe burden upon the student or his/her family.
Note: All hardship exceptions are reviewed by the CIAC Eligibility Committee.
Transfer Requirement # 19 (waiver) – A student who does not qualify for the transfer rule using the above requirements may be granted eligibility if the student-athlete transfers for non-athletic reasons. Contact the Athletic Office for the waiver procedures for Requirement # 19.
E. If you play or practice with an outside team in the same sport while a member of the school team after the first scheduled game in any season (rule II.E.);
F. If you play under an assumed name (rule II.F.).
Note: Eligibility is determined by the athletic department. Use of any illegal player results in forfeiture of game(s) and/or season
CIAC Transfer Rules
N.C.A.A. Initial-Eligibility for College Athletes
Students planning to enroll as college freshmen who want to participate in DIVISION I or DIVISION II athletics, must be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. DIVISION III schools do not require students to be certified.
To begin the certification process, a student must go to the NCAA Clearinghouse website. Here, they will need to register and file a student release form. This form, as well as the required fee, must be submitted to the Clearinghouse. Once requested, an official student transcript will be mailed from the guidance office. In addition, when registering for the SAT or ACT, the student must request that scores be sent to the Clearinghouse.
The Clearinghouse website is www.ncaaclearinghouse.net.
From the NCAA Clearinghouse website, prospective student-athletes are able to access information needed to understand the Division I and Division II eligibility requirements, register with the Clearinghouse and access individual Clearinghouse records.
General Information on the NCAA Clearinghouse Website:
- Links to the NCAA website.
- Core-course listings for high schools.
- Online version of NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete.
- Online information about Division I and Division II initial-eligibility requirements.
- Online Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Prospective Student-Athletes:
- Submit your Student Release Form (SRF) via the Web.
- Registered Students - Update your registration information (if necessary).
- Registered Students - Check your certification status.
Sports Medicine
A. Athletic Trainers: There are 2 certified Athletic Trainers available for all sports teams. The athletic trainers are available during the school year from 2 pm – 6 pm.
Training Room Rules:
- All injuries must be reported to the Athletic Trainer or the coach immediately and an injury report placed on file. Subsequent to any serious injury and prior to further participation in a sport, students must provide a signed medical release from a physician if a game or day of practice has been missed due to injury.
- The training room is designated as an area to help prepare, prevent, and recover from injuries occurring in an athletic setting. There is no loitering or spending time in the training room if no services are needed. It is imperative the Athletic Trainers are able to complete practice and pre-game services prior to beginning game time coverage.
- Training services will be granted on a first come, first served basis on practice days. On game days, athletes will be treated in an order that will allow bus and/or game commitments to be met.
B. Recovery/Post-Concussion Management
Your brain needs time to heal. Until you completely recover from your concussion, you will be held from all athletic activity. Exercise or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games may cause concussion symptoms (such as headache or tiredness) to reappear or get worse. While your brain is still healing, you are much more likely to have a repeat concussion. In rare cases, repeat concussions can cause permanent brain damage, and even death. Severe brain injury can change your whole life.
- Any athlete exhibiting signs or symptoms of a concussion will be withheld from play until evaluated by a healthcare professional, which includes the licensed athletic trainer.
- When an athlete is symptom free with normal daily activities (school, work, studying, etc), they will begin the “return to play (RTP) protocol” under the guidance of the athletic trainer. The RTP protocol consists of a 5 step gradual progression back to exercise. Each step is separated by at least 24 hours. If symptoms return during exercise, the athlete will have to repeat that step the next day and cannot advance until they are symptom free.
- Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) is used as a tool in the return to play protocol to help the medical staff make a return to play decision.
- If the athlete has a neuropsychological baseline test (ImPACT), they will be given the test again prior to their return to full contact to ensure that their neurological function is back within their baseline. It is not the only piece of information that is taken into consideration. The athlete must be free of all symptoms at rest and with exertion and ImPACT scores must be within baseline measurements. Prior history of concussion and other pertinent information will be taken into consideration when making a return to play decision. Each concussion is managed on an individual basis.
The five step Return To Play (RTP) Policy:
- Easy aerobic activity (stationary bike, elliptical machine)
- More sport specific aerobic activity (running, skating)
- Non- contact sport specific drills (dribbling, shooting, passing, etc)
- Full- contact practice
- Game play
Transportation Waiver
Donate to the Title IX Scholarship Fund!
Donations go directly to support a yearly scholarship at Conard and Hall High Schools for a female student-athlete who embraces the philosophy of standing on the shoulders of those who came before them and positively contributing to Passing the Torch to the next group of female student-athletes.
Jason Siegal
Conard: 860-929-5041
Hall: 860-929-5163