West Hartford Public Schools Logo

Prepare and inspire all students!

Find out which district your street belongs to, access resources for school registration, and more!

This is not for PreK and Magnet applications. Instead, go to www.whps.org/lottery

Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314
Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314
Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314
Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314
Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314
Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314
Town Hall Legislative Chamber Room 314

School Registration and Residency 

Begin your child's school registration process!


Promoting values, contributing positively to the overall climate of the schools and community, developing respect for others, fostering positive growth and development, offering an equal opportunity for participation, and promoting personal improvement and excellence, Athletics at WHPS are so much fun!

Top high schools

Our high schools are ranked in the top 15 in the state, and in the top 3 percent nationally in the 2019 U.S. News & World Report ranking of the country’s public high schools!

Vision of the Graduate

The Vision of the Graduate is aligned to the CASEL frameworks for social and emotional learning.

Outstanding Faculty

The outstanding faculty of WHPS includes the CT Recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, CT Teacher of the Year, the National Social Studies Teacher of the Year, the CT Assistant Principal of the Year, the CT Elementary Principal of the Year, and Superintendent of the Year.

Rich, Relevant Curriculum for All 

The teachers, administrators, and support staff of the West Hartford Public Schools are driven by our Mission Framework and District Goals to ensure that our students experience high expectations, dynamic teaching, and a rigorous and relevant curriculum.



of the top schools in Connecticut & the Nation!

Top High Schools in CT & Nation

The U.S. News rankings include data on more than 20,500 public schools in 50 states and the District of Columbia. Schools were awarded gold, silver or bronze medals based on their performance on state assessments and how well they prepare students for college.

U.S. News & World Report Article



languages represented in our school system

Our schools are a tapestry of cultures and ethnicities, with over 70 languages represented in our school system.

Our students have had opportunities to travel to Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia as part of their educational program.

World Languages



Magnet Schools

Charter Oak International Academy and Florence E. Smith STEM School

West Hartford’s two magnet elementary schools begin with the same comprehensive curriculum standards as neighborhood schools, but enrich the student experience with an inquiry-based teaching and learning model. Families find that the magnet schools encourage their children to think more creatively and independently.

More about our Magnet Schools

graduation cap


West Hartford is the ‘Best Place to Live in Connecticut’!

Community collaboration and service are important to us

West Hartford is a wonderful town with strengths beyond just its education system!

The article