Tips From Your School Psychologist

Bullying: Not Just ‘Kids Being Kids’

Preventing bullying is a top priority for parents and professionals in our school community. The behavior interferes with children’s ability to learn and feel safe. Bullying is not simply a case of “kids being kids,” but is a learned anti-social behavior that can be unlearned or, better yet, prevented. As adults we need to create an environment in school and at home where bullying and teasing are not tolerated under any circumstances.” 

Everyone in our school needs to be committed to eliminating bullying behavior of any type. Our goal is to help our students understand the appropriate way to treat others, and to ensure that no one is victimized by cruel or threatening behavior. As part of this effort we are working to transform what experts call the “silent majority” into a “caring majority” of students who become part of the anti-bullying solution.  Elements of effective anti-bullying efforts include:

Parents can be active partners in preventing bullying.  You are your child’s most important source of support and learning for positive behaviors. Following are a few suggestions to help your child.

It is very important our children know that adults can and will help them if they are being bullied. Please encourage your child to talk to you, me, he school counselor or another trusted adult if they feel threatened or isolated. My door is always open. You can reach me at (BEST WAY TO CONTACT YOU).  Together we can continue to create a healthy, safe, positive learning environment for all our children.